13th International RIdIM Conference & 1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography

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Evening Program | Excursions | Post-Conference Tours
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Evaluation System (OCS)

Enhancing Music Iconography research:
Considering the current, setting new trends
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animation with MI and photos of Salvador

Committee of Honor

The Committee of Honor consists of Honorable Persons representing the institutions and organizations which generously support both conferences (13th of RIdIM and 1st of RIdIM-Brazil) and the activities of RIdIM-Brazil in Bahia.


Members of the Committee of Honor

Mercedes Reis Pequeno Honor President of the Conference
Dora Leal Rosa Dean of the Federal University of Bahia
Antônio Alberto Lopes Dean of Research and Graduate Program at UFBA
Jacques Wagner Governor of Bahia
Albino Rubim Bahia State Secretary of Culture
Frederico A. R.C. Mendonça Director of Institute of Bahian Artistic and Cultural Patrimony - IPAC
Ubiratan Castro de Araújo President of Pedro Calmon Foundation
João Henrique Carneiro Mayor of Salvador
Carlos Ribeiro Soares Secretary of Culture of Salvador
Antônio Fernando Lins de Albuquerque President of Gregorio de Mattos Foundation
Cardinal-Priest D. Geraldo Majella Agnello Metropolitan Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia, Primatial See of Brazil
Beatriz Magalhães Castro On behalf of IAML-Brazil
André Guerra Cotta On behalf of RISM-Brazil
Maria Alice Volpe On behalf of RIPM in Brazil
Ricardo Tacuchian On behalf of RILM-Brazil
Design & development ©2009-2011 by Pablo Sotuyo Blanco e Ricardo Bordini (SONARE)

July 20-22, 2011 - Salvador (Bahia), Brazil