13th International RIdIM Conference & 1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography

English | Português | Español
Program | Call for Papers | Exhibitors | Registration
Venue | Maps
Program Committee | Scientific Reviewers | Keynote Lectures | General List
Evening Program | Excursions | Post-Conference Tours
Organizing Committee | Committee of Honor | Sponsors | Contact
Travel Info | Tourist Info | City Maps | City Transport | Hotels | Hints and Tips | History
Evaluation System (OCS)

Enhancing Music Iconography research:
Considering the current, setting new trends
small logo

animation with MI and photos of Salvador

Contact information

The 13th International Conference of the Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM) and the 1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography, entitled Enhancing music iconography research: considering the current, setting new trends is organized through the joint efforts of the RIdIM International Commission Mixte and RIdIM-Brazil Commission Mixte.

Here we include all information needed to contact us.

Conference contact information

Please address general conference correspondence to

13th International Conference of the RIdIM
1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography
email: ridim2011@gmail.com

Exhibition stand booking contact If you plan to book an exhibition stand, please
contact us.

Maria das Graças Miranda Ribeiro
Biblioteca Central Reitor Macêdo Costa
Rua Barão de Jeremoabo, s/n
Campus Universitário de Ondina
40170-290 - Salvador/Bahia - BRASIL
Phone: (5571) 3283-6044   
Fax: (5571) 3283-6045
E-mail: bcdir@ufba.br 

Registration and Cultural booking contact If you want to register or book a post-conference tours, please
contact us.

A/C Prof. Dr. Pablo Sotuyo Blanco
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Rua Araújo Pinho, 58 - Canela
Parque Universitário Prof. Edgard Santos
40110-040   Salvador/Bahia - BRASIL
Tel/Fax: (5571) 3336-7421
mobile: (5571) 8131-4229
email: psotuyo@gmail.com

Design & development ©2009-2011 by Pablo Sotuyo Blanco e Ricardo Bordini (SONARE)

July 20-22, 2011 - Salvador (Bahia), Brazil